Cargo insurance
Transport and logistics company
Cargo insurance in the process of international transportation of goods is one of the main components of the transport business, based on the full range of services provided, as well as guaranteeing the material safety of the goods being transported. Cargo insurance provides an opportunity for the Cargo Owner to protect its financial risks in the event of unforeseen circumstances arising in the journey.
When carrying out international cargo transportation the following types of insurance are possible:
Cargo insurance against any risks, except for those listed: military actions, exposure to radiation, negligent attitude to the cargo, exposure to the ambient temperature, broken integrity of the package and shipment of damaged cargo, etc.
Cargo insurance only against the risks specified in the insurance, for example: natural disasters, collision or crash of vehicles carrying cargo, disappearance of a vehicle, an accident during loading/unloading of cargo, a general accident, etc.
Cargo insurance only from partial or complete loss in the event of destruction of a vehicle that carried out cargo transportation, for example, collision, wreck, explosion, fire.
Why do you need cargo insurance?
This is necessary in order to protect oneself and others from losses that may occur during transportation or handling. Insurance partially or completely compensates for losses.
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